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What's happening in Aries season?

What's happening in Aries season?

What's happening in Aries season?

March 20th PST | EST | GMT

Welcoming Aries season: How to keep the spark of new beginnings alive

As the sun moves into Aries, a new astrological year begins, accompanied by spring equinox in the northern hemisphere. Fresh energy and green shoots are welcomed as we begin a tour of the zodiac once again. Are you ready to embrace the fire energy of Aries in your world? Let’s strike a match together….

The dynamic sign of Aries is ruled by warrior planet Mars, and brings our attention to themes of passion, excitement, courage, and assertiveness. All qualities that are helpful for starting afresh or beginning again. As nature wakes up, so do we, and Aries season can be wonderful for setting intentions and moving forwards.

At the same time as the sun moves into Aries this year, Venus and Mercury are retrograde in Aries, moving back towards Pisces. This suggests that as much as Aries season wants to propel us forward, (the season does include an Aries solar eclipse) it might be that there is something still needing to be reviewed and understood.

The question is - what is this season giving us the energy to review and ultimately leave behind, to start afresh? Part of our challenge may be to keep the spark of new beginnings alive, as we navigate change, ready for a clearer path…

Ways to welcome Aries energy:

  •  Consider where you’d like to welcome a fresh start: Which part of your life could use some Aries enthusiasm and fun? Journal about the new starts that are calling.

  • Honour the element of fire: Light a candle on the day of the equinox and if you have an altar or sacred space, add a red candle to honour Mars energy.

  •  Reflect on tensions: How do you assert yourself in situations? Reflect on how you approach conflict and how you handle tension. Does it work for you?

  • Boost your energy levels: When do you feel inspired? What gives you energy? It might be a creative or a physical activity that gives you a boost; make more time for this.

  • Tune into solar eclipse energy: This season brings our first new moon and solar eclipse of the astrological year. A powerful moon for reflecting on new starts and the process we need to make them happen.

A new beginning…

During Aries season we will also see a major planetary shift taking place with the planet Neptune moving into Aries, another reason to stay cosmically conscious!  

Moon Phase Studios 13 Moon Journal

Journals at the ready…

One of the best ways to start working with the cosmos is to understand how planetary shifts show up in your world. This is just one way of tuning in. During Aries season you may wish to journal about, or note down, any important events, patterns or shifts that transpire around the following dates:

March 29th: Solar Eclipse in Aries

March: 30th Neptune enters Aries

April 7th: Mercury retrograde ends

April 12th / 13th: Full Moon in Libra/ Venus retrograde ends

April 15/ 16th: Mercury enters Aries

April 17th / 18th: Mars enters Leo

Wishing you a hopeful, creative Aries season.

With blessings,

Charlotte x


About Charlotte Lauren