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What's happening in Pisces season?

What's happening in Pisces season?

What's happening in Pisces season?

18th February PST | EST | GMT

How to welcome Pisces season: the last stop of the zodiac calendar…

The beginning of Pisces season signals the culmination of the astrological year. Brimming with emotional energy and a sense of completion, this season provides a chance to travel inward and connect with a deeper part of ourselves. Are you ready? Let’s dive in together…

The water sign of Pisces is ruled by Jupiter, known as the ‘Greater Benefic’ in ancient astrology. Gifting us with a sense of expansion and abundance, this planet wants to unify and make whole. In the watery domain of Pisces, Jupiter increases the gifts of intuition and creativity. Neptune, the modern ruler of Pisces, brings an elusive, nostalgic and romantic quality to this sign.

Together, this co-rulership helps us to understand the deep waters that we are swimming in during Pisces season. And there might be times we feel like we’d rather just swim away - but the treasure of the seabed calls to us. There are riches to be found in looking back, so that we can move forward, and to listen to our intuition so that we feel fully aligned with our soul needs. This season symbolises a time to honour what is ending and release what is no longer needed, ready to emerge and start afresh…

Ways to welcome Pisces energy:

·         Work with your intuition: When do you feel connected to your inner knowing or gut feeling? Being in nature, meditation, or simply just some quiet time can help you tune in.

·         Honour the element of water: Take time to be by the water, perhaps a walk by the coast or a river. If you have an altar or sacred space, you could add a seashell to symbolise this element.

·         Consider what you’d like to release: Explore what you would like to let go of before we begin a new astrological year. Try journaling about it.

·         Embrace your creative flow: How do you express yourself creatively? Consider who or what helps you to feel comfortable in your creative self.

·         Work with new moon energy: This season brings our last new moon of the astrological year. A beautiful moon for setting intentions around release and renewal.

The deep dive…

Pisces season reminds us of the power of the deep dive, before we begin a new cycle. The beauty of facing fears so that we can feel open and free again. This year, Pisces season brings us the chance to work with two retrogrades and a lunar eclipse, major opportunities to review parts of our lives and to welcome change.

13 Moon Journal for 2025 by Moon Phase Studios


Journals at the ready!

One of the best ways to start working with the cosmos is to understand how planetary shifts show up in your world. This is just one way of tuning in. During Pisces season you may wish to journal about, or note down, any important events, patterns or shifts that transpire around the following dates:

·         February 23rd/ 24th: Mars retrograde ends

·         February 27th/ 28th: New Moon in Pisces

·         March 1st/ 2nd: Venus retrograde begins in Aries

·         March 3rd: Mercury moves into Aries

·         March 13/ 14th: Full Moon Eclipse in Virgo

·         March 14th/15th: Mercury goes retrograde in Aries

Wishing you an insightful Piscean deep dive. Until the New Moon!

Lunar blessings,

Charlotte x


About Charlotte Lauren