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What's happening in Aquarius Season?

What's happening in Aquarius Season?

What's happening in Aquarius Season?

19th January PST | EST | GMT

How to welcome Aquarius season: Change is on the wind…

The next stop of the sun on its zodiac tour is in air sign Aquarius, with previous earthy Capricorn energy now shifting upwards and outwards. This should feel like a welcome change as we move through the astrology of January and into February. It’s time to enjoy a breath of fresh air and take the opportunity to look forward. Let’s explore this shift together…

Aquarius energy invites change, and akin to its modern planetary ruler Uranus, is happy to shake things up. Like the wind whipping up during a fresh winter walk, Aquarius energy inspires movement, generating shifts and breakthroughs. The ancient ruler of Aquarius, Saturn, also brings a clear, stoic determination to this sign. Together, this co-rulership can tread an unconventional path with steady conviction. There is no looking back.

Embracing the authentic self, whilst also wanting to serve the whole (or the collective) is also a liberating part of Aquarius energy. For example, you may wish to explore how you can celebrate your unique gifts AND how they can help you contribute as a citizen of Mother Earth.

Close-up of Aquarius artwork (credit Mimi Voke) featuring in Moon Phase Studios 13 Moon Journal and 2025 Zodiac Flip Calendar

Ways to welcome Aquarian energy:

·      Recognise potential: What do you feel excited about? Perhaps a new project, hobby or being part of a community is calling to you now. Embrace being open and exploring ideas.
·      Welcome a new perspective: The season encourages an open-mindedness about who we are and how we contribute. Let new ideas in!
·      Honour the element of air: Relax with a breathwork exercise or simply take a walk outside and pay attention to your breath. If you have a sacred space or altar, you can add a feather to symbolise the element of air.
·      Explore change: What is your relationship with change right now? Do you want more of it? Less of it? Consider what is shifting or what shifts you would like to see.
·      Work with new moon energy: This season brings us our first new moon of 2025. A powerful moon for setting intentions and appreciating potential.

Opening to change…

Aquarius season brings the first stirrings of change. Whatever has felt stagnant can begin to move again. Just after the sun moves into Aquarius this year, it will conjoin Pluto shortly after. Although this is a short transit, it suggests an opportunity to shine a light on the deeper recesses of our minds and is a potent time for insights to land.

Moon Phase Studios 13 Moon Journal


Journals at the ready

One of the best ways to start working with the cosmos is to understand how planetary shifts show up in your world. This is just one way of tuning in. During Aquarius season you may wish to journal about, or note down, any important events, patterns or shifts that transpire around the following dates:

·      January 27th/ 28th: Mercury enters Aquarius
·      January 29th: New Moon in Aquarius
·      January 30th: Uranus retrograde ends
·      February 3rd/ 4th Venus enters Aries
·      February 4th. Jupiter goes direct
·      February 12th: Full Moon in Leo
·      February 14th: Mercury enters Pisces


Wishing you the opportunity to breathe in hope and optimism this season,

With love,

Charlotte x

About Charlotte Lauren